Agate reviews Jim Lammers’ latest book
Let’s read!
The deepening winter invites us to hunker down and read! Take your pick from this basket of recent nature books.
Comprehensive and beautiful bird atlas published
A long-awaited atlas of Minnesota’s breeding birds is here, and what a treat it is!
Recent Nature Books
A rich list of recently published books that nurture our sense of wonder at nature.
Remembering Grant Merritt, genial and tenacious defender of Minnesota’s environment
Environmental crusader shares his perspectives in highly readable memoir.
Wildly Successful Farming: AGATE book review
And a conversation with author Brian Devore
Good Nature Books
A short list of recent books about nature.
A Sand County Almanac: reviewing a new edition of Aldo Leopold’s classic
A new generation of readers gets a chance to drink from the source of some of the best ecological thinking and writing of the twentieth century.
Book review: The Lost Forest
A children’s book explains a Minnesota mystery, with interesting information for adults and captivating artwork.
Book review: They Have a Word for It
Rheingold’s classic, a book for our times.