Environmental crusader shares his perspectives in highly readable memoir.
Book Review: Sustaining Lake Superior by Nancy Langston
Recent history offers lessons about how to clean up and protect the Greatest Lake.
Book Review: Psalms of the Early Anthropocene
Kathleen Heideman: A Michigan poet you want to know
Book Review: The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan
A vivid history and sober analysis of the many threats the Great Lakes face.
Book review: What Should a Clever Moose Eat? by John Pastor
Ecologist John Pastor poses and answers fascinating questions about North Woods ecosystems.
Book Review: Amethyst and Agate: Poems of Lake Superior
Poets and visual artists contemplate Lake Superior.
Book Review: Plain Radical by Robert Jensen
Book celebrates Minnesota peace, justice campaigner.
North Shore: A Natural History of Minnesota’s Superior Coast
Chel Anderson and Adelheid Fischer’s new book is vast in scope, thought-provoking, and poetic in places.