Agate reviews Jim Lammers’ latest book
Down in the Valleys
Artist Mark Granlund pedals and paints his way down the St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers
Artists inspired by a big river
Scientists and artists are close observers. Regional artists share how they are inspired by nature, especially by the St. Louis River.
Field Notes
Artist Mark Odegard finds inspiration in phenology
Growing Seasons
A video meditation on the growing season by photographer Gary Noren and guitarist Dean Magraw
Book review: The Lost Forest
A children’s book explains a Minnesota mystery, with interesting information for adults and captivating artwork.
Wilderness Voices: Travis Novitsky
“Some of my most unforgettable moments are sitting on the shores of a boreal forest lake on a calm night with no wind, watching the northern lights dance overhead while the haunting calls of loons echo across the water.”
‘Mixing:’ Painter mingles art and science, land and water
New work by a 2018 artist-in-residence on the St. Croix River celebrates the beauty of a confluence where the waters of two rivers affected by very different human activities meet.
Art, Science, Empathy, Action
Michigan Researcher Lissy Goralnik Explores the Connections
A Second Look at Fall Warblers
An essay from Kim Eckert’s book, Birding by Hindsight