The Crows of Ann Arbor
A sight to behold
Where does that mercury come from?
“We’ll use these stable isotope fingerprints of mercury to look at what source is being methylated and getting into the fish,” says USGS’s Sarah Janssen.
Microplastics proliferate in Lake Superior
Researchers are learning about the microplastics in Lake Superior.
Trusting the Science
Agate commentary and an interview with scientist Jim Almendinger
Going Driftless
Geologist Jeff Broberg explores the origins of the Driftless Region
Great Lakes Estuaries
Estuaries in the Great Lakes are among the most productive, life-supporting and interesting environments on the planet.
Flexing mussels
The life-and-death secrets of mussels.
Audible underwater worlds
A researcher records sounds under the surface of Minnesota lakes and hopes to learn whether humans are disturbing the lives of the denizens of the deep.
Confronting Great Lakes invaders
Mid-ocean ballast water exchange is working well to keep non-native aquatic organisms from invading the Great Lakes, but scientists are racing to find more secure solutions.