A deep dive into the permitting process for the decades-old Northshore mine and the proposed PolyMet mine reveals a lot about the flaws in the system.
Audible underwater worlds
A researcher records sounds under the surface of Minnesota lakes and hopes to learn whether humans are disturbing the lives of the denizens of the deep.
Confronting Great Lakes invaders
Mid-ocean ballast water exchange is working well to keep non-native aquatic organisms from invading the Great Lakes, but scientists are racing to find more secure solutions.
Book review: The Lost Forest
A children’s book explains a Minnesota mystery, with interesting information for adults and captivating artwork.
Battle over Manoomin
Tribal governments and the state of Minnesota offer competing plans for protecting wild rice.
Book Review: Sustaining Lake Superior by Nancy Langston
Recent history offers lessons about how to clean up and protect the Greatest Lake.
“Indian Country is clearing its throat”
Tribes are working on many fronts to push Minnesota to do a better job of protecting the environment.
Swans in the Crosshairs
Here in the Mississippi Flyway, both tundra and trumpeter swans are nongame species. A pending USFWS proposal could change that.
Adaptation as Acceptance: Toward a New Normal in the Northwoods
The inside view from a conservation biologist
Diary of a mad tree planter
Northern Minnesota landowners prepare for the arrival of the Emerald ash borer.