A study in Voyageurs National Park is revealing details about wolf predation on beavers, leading to new insights about the ways wolves hunt—breakthrough information helping scientists create a fuller picture of how wolves impact the larger ecosystem.
“Indian Country is clearing its throat”
Tribes are working on many fronts to push Minnesota to do a better job of protecting the environment.
Gems in the Rift
Agate is not a magazine about agates. Except when it is.
Dunes of the Leelanau
Exploring Michigan’s dynamic coastal environment
If Bees Are Few
A conversation with the poet and the entomologist whose teamwork produced an anthology of poems about bees.
In the Abstract
What is insight if not minutia well considered?
Above Superior
Photographer Cynthia Dickinson spends a day in the skies above the Superior National Forest with USGS researcher Dr. Shannon Barber-Meyer and USFS pilot Pat Loe.
Minnesota tweaks wild rice rule
Minnesota adjusts a formula designed to protect wild rice waters from sulfate pollution.
Book review: What Should a Clever Moose Eat? by John Pastor
Ecologist John Pastor poses and answers fascinating questions about North Woods ecosystems.
Researcher crusades for policies to protect water: profile of Dr. Deborah Swackhamer
As a graduate student, Deborah Swackhamer made important discoveries about toxic chemicals polluting the Great Lakes; as a researcher she endured a grueling industry investigation; as a public scientist she showed how to make Minnesota’s lakes and rivers cleaner. In retirement she continues her lifelong quest to improve water quality.