A chorus of regional voices on fresh water accompany images by Andrew James Okey.
A Sand County Almanac: reviewing a new edition of Aldo Leopold’s classic
A new generation of readers gets a chance to drink from the source of some of the best ecological thinking and writing of the twentieth century.
Can we protect nature by giving it legal rights?
Communities are using “Rights of Nature” laws to defend waterways, species and other natural features from human threats.
Audible underwater worlds
A researcher records sounds under the surface of Minnesota lakes and hopes to learn whether humans are disturbing the lives of the denizens of the deep.
Hawks on High
A trio of poems from Phil Fitzpatrick’s “Hawks on High”
A Brighter Way Forward
Time to listen to young voices
The Work of a Life: A Prairie for Paul Gruchow
The writer is remembered in a praire’s dedication
Gems in the Rift
Agate is not a magazine about agates. Except when it is.
Efforts to restore wild rice in the St. Louis River face challenges
Efforts to restore wild rice in the St. Louis River estuary face potential challenges from carp, Canada geese, and sulfate pollution from upstream taconite mines.
St. Louis River watershed’s ecosystem benefits valued at up to $14 billion in new study
The St. Louis River is a beautiful place — and an integral part of a complex ecosystem.