Farmers and environmental groups want Minnesota to put a lid on pesticide-treated seeds
Farmers and environmental groups want Minnesota to put a lid on pesticide-treated seeds
How old is the water?
Calvin Alexander fields the questions
Could the Mississippi River benefit from Chesapeake Bay’s strategy to improve water quality?
People trying to clean up the Mississippi River to protect the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico could learn from those working on the Chesapeake Bay.
Diving for Great Lakes Answers
Two mussel species set off a cascade of events in the Great Lakes
“We got jellyfish!”
Student scientists in Michigan add to the sparse scientific record about Craspedacusta sowerbii, a freshwater jellyfish found in inland lakes and rivers throughout the Great Lakes.
Finding new ways to assert treaty rights and protect the environment
White Earth attorney Frank Bibeau is coming up with new ways to protect the environment by asserting tribal rights.
Protecting wild rice: will site-specific standards work?
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has been trying for years to figure out how to get taconite mines to reduce the sulfate in their effluent because it damages wild rice. The current effort involves something called Site Specific Standards, and it looks likely that it will have no more success than previous attempts.
Groups ask for further study of Northshore Mine Tailings Pond Work
Northshore Mine in Silver Bay wants to expand its tailings pond; environmental groups are asking for a thorough Environmental Impact Statement.
Trying (again) to tackle mercury in the St. Louis River
Taking steps to put the St. Louis River on a mercury diet.
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