How well is Minnesota’s environmental review program working?
Protecting wild rice: will site-specific standards work?
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has been trying for years to figure out how to get taconite mines to reduce the sulfate in their effluent because it damages wild rice. The current effort involves something called Site Specific Standards, and it looks likely that it will have no more success than previous attempts.
In northern Minnesota, early adopters make the case for cold-climate heat pumps
Heat pump installers and early adopters in and around Duluth, Minnesota, are demonstrating how the technology can work even in a notoriously cold climate such as northern Minnesota.
Groups ask for further study of Northshore Mine Tailings Pond Work
Northshore Mine in Silver Bay wants to expand its tailings pond; environmental groups are asking for a thorough Environmental Impact Statement.
Trying (again) to tackle mercury in the St. Louis River
Taking steps to put the St. Louis River on a mercury diet.
Interest grows in native “rough fish”
Recent research on some of Minnesota’s native fishes pinpoints astonishing longevity and an important role in ecosystems.
Collaborating with nature
Members of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa share their generations-old farming practices.
Living with Aquatic Invaders
Scientists have learned a lot about aquatic invasive species, and experts now say the appearance of an exotic species in a body of water doesn’t necessarily mean the end of life as we know it.
Experts clash over logging in wildlife areas
“Timber sales are not planned by wildlife managers; they’re assigned from the top down.”
Working with fire, traditionally
A new short film, Oshkigin: Spirit of Fire, shows the traditional controlled burning practices of the Anishinaabe people. These small burns help prevent wildfires from getting out of hand.